* Your privacy is very important, we’ll never share your information. We may email you about special offers and upcoming events.
Legacy Martial Arts, in coordination with our governing body the BMABA, are committed to the safeguarding of both adults and children at risk. As a club we take safeguarding very seriously and have all the relevant procedures and policies in place. In addition to this, all instructors are DBS checked to an enhanced level and they all have the relevant safeguarding qualifications.
It is our core belief that everyone should benefit from the Martial Arts to help them them develop as an individual both through positive mental health and physical fitness. In addition to this, Martial Arts is there to make a positive contribution to the community. Every instructor at Legacy has a legal and moral duty to ensure that every participant is training in a safe and friendly environment, through professionalism and a high degree of duty of care.
For further information on safeguarding please speak to our designated Safeguarding officer Elaina Williams (photo available here).
Contact Number: 07738 634 763
Email: elaina@legacyteam.co.uk
We are proud to have been awarded the Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts “mark”.
Achieving the Safeguarding Code, demonstrates our commitment to upholding our duty-of-care to the community and young people and recognises Legacy as a martial arts provider that has reached and effectively maintained good safeguarding standards.
Developed in consultation with Sport England, The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts has been created so that parents and carers can clearly identify a martial arts provider that have demonstrated that they have reached and maintained good safeguarding standards and can make informed decisions when selecting a club for their child.