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Improved Cardiovascular health - As the Martial Arts is an aerobic activity, each class will get the blood flowing around your body to all the muscle groups helping to strengthen your heart.
Better Flexibility and Balance - One of the key parts of Martial Arts is balance. Through training and practice your body will become better balanced and your flexibility will increase along the way.
Increased Stamina - Every student works at their own pace. Over time you will notice how much fitter you're becoming and how much longer you can last at a higher intensity.
Improved Coordination and Reflexes - Training in the Martial Arts will improve your spatial awareness, reflexes and coordination, which in turn will build confidence in all areas of your life and daily activities.
Stress Relief - After a training session we are sure you'll feel great. Any stresses from the day will have disappeared after the class, you'll be surprised how much better you'll feel after striking the pads for a few rounds in a safe environment.
Improved Focus and Concentration - Feeling fitter, having more energy and an end goal in mind will keep you focused and motivated throughout your Martial Arts journey. This training mindset will also help in other areas of your life.
Being Part of a Group - It is extremely important to us that everyone feels safe and comfortable, and that we teach in a friendly environment. Training with like minded people that in turn get to know each other and develop long lasting friendships. This helps people feel connected and part of a group of people that all share the same principles and values in life.